An Uneasy Calm
Supported by Ilford Photo / Harman Technology
'Iceland. An Uneasy Calm' has been widely exhibited in Australia and began UK showing in 2016.
Details are shown below
"This is the handcraft of printing silver gelatine at its best - the images must be seen 1st hand to appreciate the depth and sheer beauty Tim has captured" Gold Street Gallery
Up to 100 toned silver gelatine exhibition prints are available for exhibition, supported by two book editions - the Standard case bound edition and the Deluxe Limited boxed edition with a limited edition silver gelatine print.
Smaller exhibitions may be accommodated.
Enquiries welcome
Making the prints - (Video) >
The first UK Exhibition of "Iceland, an Uneasy Calm" opened on January 9th 2016 at The Fox Talbot Museum Gallery in Lacock, Wiltshire, 'The birthplace of photography'.
It ran run for six months, closing on July 10th.
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey
- Exhibition at the Fox-Talbot Museum Gallery, Lacock Abbey

The Lightbox, Woking's award-winning Art Gallery and Museum:
"Iceland, an Uneasy Calm"; Ran from April 23rd to July 3rd 2016.
The Dye House Gallery, Bradford: Iceland, an Uneasy Calm; Opened on January 12th until February 9th 2017.
- Exhibition space at The Dye House.
- Exhibition space at The Dye House.
- Hanging the Iceland exhibition in the Dye House
- Hanging the Iceland exhibition in the Dye House
- "Iceland, an Uneasy Calm" in the Dye House Gallery
- "Iceland, an Uneasy Calm" in the Dye House Gallery
- "Iceland, an Uneasy Calm" in the Dye House Gallery
The Dimbola Museum and Galleries: A selection from the 'Iceland. An Uneasy Calm' exhibition ran from April 21st 2017 to July 16th 2017.
The home of celebrated Victorian photographer, Julia Margaret Cameron is now a Museum & Gallery. The Julia Margaret Cameron Trust, Dimbola Museum & Galleries, Terrace Lane, Freshwater Bay, Isle of Wight, UK. PO40 9QE.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.
- Iceland, an Uneasy Calm at Dimbola Lodge, IOW.

Banbury Museum and Art Gallery, Banbury, Oxfordshire:
'Iceland, an Uneasy Calm';
Opened on December 2nd 2017 until January 20th 2018.
- Curator Dale Johnston (left) with Tim Rudman

Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University, Penglais SY23 3DE, Wales:
'Iceland, an Uneasy Calm'; Ran from September 15th to 11th November 2018.
The Award winning Aberystwyth Arts Centre is one of the UK's largest art centres and is recognised as a 'national flagship' for the arts.
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
- Exhibition at the Aberystwyth Arts Centre, Aberystwyth University
'Iceland' re-visited Australia!
Gold Street Studios Gallery
Trentham East, nr. Melbourne:
New and earlier work from "Iceland, an Uneasy Calm"
Opened on 28th June until 20th August 2017.
The Colour Factory, Melbourne:
Opened on 7th September until 30th September 2017.